Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Simply food: January 2007
Simply food
This blog is all about food I've tested in my kitchen contain with pics and recipes which come from different sources.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Sambal Long Bean

Sambal long bean .. maksudku disini kacang panjang disambal pake udang kering . Jamin uenak deh .. Sambal long bean ini biasanya di jual di stall bihun economic diKopi tiam di Spore , dan salah satu stal di Bedok Interchange selalu menjadi langganan ku . ( enak sih)

Resep nya aku coba2 sendiri , walaupun tidak 100% sama tapi enak juga lho .. :
Kacang panjang - di potong2 5 cm ( jumlahnya sesuai selera )
Udang kering secukupnya ( sesuai dgn banyak kacang panjangnya)

Ditumbuk kasar :
5 Cabe merah
2 Bawang merah
2 bawang putih
Garam dikit
Gula dikit

Cara membuat :
Bumbu tumbuk di tumis sebentar lalu masukkan udang kering .. kacau bbrp saat lalu masukkan kacang panjang .. boleh ditambah air hanya satu sendok saja ( kalau dikasih banyak nanti kacang panjang nya lembek dan menguning) . ditutup sktr bbrp saat sampai kacang panjang matang .
Sajikan ....


posted by Tuti @ 6:23 PM   1 comments
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Crunchy top Cake by Tuti

This cake my friend actually is my own creation .. well not all , I did see one recipe to measure the Ingredient and did my own modification in to it , and the cake turned up to be DElicioussss.. My Husband said Very Tasty and the presentation is also very nice.

Ingredients :
200 grams Butter
110 grams sugar
4 eggs
75 grams All purpose flour
150 grams self rasing flour
50 grams raisin

Topping :
50 grams Walnut
75 grams Almond sliced
50 grams Raisin
8 Tbs Honey syrup

bake the walnut and almond sliced in the oven approx. 10 minutes. leave 'em cool.
Prepared the rectagular baked tins ( 25cm x 10 cm ) ,greased with butter and greased paper.
Beat butter until smooth , beat in sugar . Beat in eggs one at a time. Beat till the mixture smooth and well blended.
sifted in the flour and self raising flour , gently fold until well combined.
fold in the raisins.
pour in to the prepared tin and bake for approx. 60 minutes @ temperature 180 deg ( or until the skewer come clean when insert in the middle of the cake ).

in the meantime , mix the walnut , almond sliced and raisins , pour the honey and stir until combined. arrange on top of the cake. they all Done.


posted by Tuti @ 5:02 AM   1 comments
Monday, January 15, 2007
Nasi Goreng Petai ALA Meihua

Meihua is my 3rd sis , she doesn't really like to cook but I tell you when she cooks It taste really good . So Far I have tried her delicious Tauco Udang , Sambal Teri , and latest is this Nasgor Petai I'm going to post here .
She was here couple of week ago togetherwith My mum and 2nd sister and one day she cooked this Nasgor petai. It taste so good till my nieces Angela and Jennifer ate 2 plates each .

here are the ingredient I post in Bahasa :

Nasi putih secukupnya
2 bh telor di dadar tipis dan di iris untuk taburan atas .
2 genggam petai di cuci bersih dan potong menjadi 2 ato 4 bagian
2 siung bawang putih di cincang
3 bh bawang merah diiris tipis
1 genggam Ebi yg halus ( lebih dikit juga boleh)
8 bh cabe rawit (kalo mau pedas ) diiris
garam secukupnya
kecap manis secukupnya

tumis bawang merah/putih sampai harum masukkan ebi , tumis sebentar sesudahnya masukkan petai . tumis sampai harum . masukkan cabe rawit .
masukkan nasi yg sudah di campur kecap manis , aduk sampai merata ,masukkan garam dan royco secukupnya ,jgn terlalu asin tidak baik buat kesehatan .
boleh ditambah daun sop dan bawang goreng . taburi atas nya dgn telor dadar yg sudah diiris tipis.
sajikan bersama irisan mentimun , tomat dan emping ( atau kerupuk)

Foto to be post later.


posted by Tuti @ 10:14 PM   2 comments
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