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Simply food
This blog is all about food I've tested in my kitchen contain with pics and recipes which come from different sources.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Bibim Bap

My craze of Korean Drama has made me crazy about their food too ..
For Ex. Kimchi , it’s delicacy the more you eat the better is the taste .
One dish that always appeared in the drama is Bi Bim Bap .., tried to make the other day , not too bad for beginner.. in fact it’s almost similar with the original one I think ..
Recipe from search engine as follows ( I have modified) :

Bibim Bap
I change the beef to chicken coz we don’t take beef .
slices the chicken square – marinated with light soya sauce
1 teaspoon oil and stir-fry until cooked through, 1 minute.

4 fresh shiitake mushrooms, sliced
1 teaspoon oil
4 cups spinach
2 carrots, cut into very thin, long strips
1 1/2 cups soy bean sprouts
1 large zucchini, cut into very thin slices

Cook the mushrooms in the oil and the marinade in a skillet over high heat until tender, 3 to 4 minutes. Set aside.

The spinach, carrots and soy bean sprouts must be blanched in separate pots of boiling water. Blanch the spinach 30 seconds. Drain and squeeze dry. Blanch the carrots, 1 minute; the soybean sprouts, 30 seconds.
Cook the zucchini in boiling water until tender, about 3 minutes.

2 cups short-grain rice

Wash the rice several times in cold water until the water is clear, rubbing the rice well. Drain. Place the rice in a heavy pot; add 3 cups of cold water. Cover and bring to a boil, reduce the heat and steam, covered, until the rice is tender, about 30 minutes.

1/4 cup red pepper paste ("kochujang")
1/2 teaspoon sesame seeds
2 teaspoons honey
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 clove garlic, minced

But for the above sauce actually I just bought from Korean store @ Parkway Parade J

Combine the red pepper paste, sesame seeds, honey, oil and garlic in a small bowl. Set aside.

1/2 cup bottled kimchi, cut into thin strips
1 1/2 teaspoons sesame oil
1 teaspoon sesame seeds
1/2 sheet (8-inch-square) nori seaweed, sliced into fine, thin strips
1 half fried egg

To assemble the bibim bap, place the hot cooked rice in a large serving bowl. The vegetables can be at room temperature. Arrange them on top of the rice in separate groups, along with the kimchi.

Sprinkle with the sesame oil and sesame seeds. Arrange the beef on top and a small pile of nori strips at one side. Place the egg in the center. Pass the sauce in a separate bowl. Add this to taste and stir it into the mixture, preferably with a long-handled Korean spoon.

They all Done!

Two servings. Each serving: 637 calories; 1,312 mg sodium; 130 mg cholesterol; 24 grams fat; 5 grams saturated fat; 79 grams carbohydrates; 35 grams protein; 14.77 grams fiber.

Active work and total preparation time: 1 1/2 hours.


posted by Tuti @ 8:04 PM   0 comments
Gulai Daun Ubi Kayu

Kalau aku pulang ke Indonesia pasti mami masak sayur yg satu ini , gulai daun ubi ( mami blajar dr pembantu dr Jawa kami dulu yg jago masak)
Ini resep mamiku “ gulai daun ubi” yg slrrppp deh.. masakan mamiku selalu is the best for me …

2 ikat besar daun ubi , di pilih yg daun muda
Tahu (sebanyak yg kita mau ) di potong segi tiga , di goreng setegah masak)
Santan kental & santan encer dr 1 buah kelapa.
garam secukupnya
Bumbu penyedap secukupnya

Ditumbuk halus:
5 buah cabai merah
3 buah cabai rawit
2 buah bawang merah
2 buah bawang putih
1 ibu jari kunyit
1 sdm ebi
( boleh ditambah sedikit jahe juga)

Daun ubi di rebus dalam air mendidih ( masukan seperempat sendok soda kueh ) spy daun ubi tidak menguning sewaktu di rebus , kurang lebih 15 menit ( atau daun sudah agak lembut) , tiriskan dan peras air nya .. di potong2 spy tidak terlalu panjang.

Rebus daun dgn santan encer.. pd saat bersamaan tumis bumbu halus sampai wangi ( tuangi sedikit santan kedlm tumisan)
Masukkan kedlm rebusan santan encer dan daun ubi , dikacau2 agar jgn sampai pecah santan .
Setelah mendidih , masukkan santan kental . kacau 2. masukkan tahu.
Setelah mulai mendidih ,masukkan garam dan bumbu penyedap .
Selesai …cocok di temani dgn sambal belachan dan tempe goreng … aduh duh ..pengen buat lagi tapi cari daun ubi kayu di Spore ini ga gampang …. Hik hik
posted by Tuti @ 8:02 PM   1 comments
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